Friday, 30 March 2012

Flowering and fruiting trees stir curiosity

Loquat or Japanese plum, Eriobotrya japonica, is an attractive, dense evergreen member of the rose family and related to the apple, pear and peach. The large, stiff leaves are glossy green on the upper sides and a whitish or rusty color on the undersides. Huisache has fragrant, half-inch spheres of bright golden-yellow blooms and reddish brown to black woody rounded seed pod. Mesquite's fragrant, tiny yellow flowers appear in fingerlike racemes and are followed by a yellow-brown beanlike seed pod. Can you tell me what kind of critters are making small mounds of dirt in my lawn? I hate to use pesticides since I want earthworms but don't want something else to damage the St. Augustine. Earthworms travel through the soil, eating dirt and organic matter. [...] yellowing hibiscus leaves may also be the result of significant temperature change or too much or too little watering. Try to keep the soil evenly moist, and make sure it drains so the roots don't sit in soggy soil.


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